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How to choose single – turn and multi – turn sensors?


Single turn sensor and multi-turn sensor have their own characteristics, the single turn sensor structure is simple, easy to design and manufacture, in general, if the single turn sensor in the width and the power supply equipment match can be adapted, should be the first choice of the single turn sensor.However, compared with the multi-turn sensor, the single-turn sensor has lower current and higher current under the same power.Therefore, for the conductive plate, the same length, the loss is large;However, under the same power, the multi-turn sensor has high input voltage and low current, so the loss of the conductive plate is small and the sensor efficiency is relatively high.Another simple explanation is that the voltage on the sensor is according to the conductive plate length and the effective lap length distribution of the sum, if the long conductive plate length and effective lap length is very short, most of the power consumption on the conductive plate, multi sensor coils is to increase effective lap length, the voltage and the power of the assigned to relatively effective circle increased.Therefore, now small diameter, wide width of the workpiece, most of the use of multi-turn sensors.However, the manufacture of multi-turn sensors is more complicated.


For high frequency sensors, multi-turn small-diameter sensors are often more efficient than single-turn ones.However, the number of turns should not be too much, because due to the limitation of device tuning, the number of turns is too much, which leads to the large flow of the oscillating gate, and the ratio between the positive flow and the gate flow is not appropriate.