Plane quenching of large steel plates
Product name: Thick steel plate Product specifications: 1000×100mm
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Wind and Power induction modulation heat treatment for bolts
Wind and Power induction modulation heat treatment for bolts With the rapid rise of China's wind power generation industry and the rapid development of the wind power generation industry
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Mine chain quenching
Product name: mine chain Product specifications: φ35mm
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Half shaft quenching
Product name: Half shaft Product specifications: φ100-160mm Induction power supply: 300KW /DSP/IGBT Transformer: iron core Control system: Guangshu CNC Cooling system: power supply cooling + quenching liquid cooling Quenching machine: vertical Key technology: precise profiling of the inductor, integral heating, co-position spray cooling
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Ball flat steel quenching production line
Product Name: Flat Ball Steel Product specifications: 100-280mm
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Pin shaft quenching and tempering production line
Pin shaft quenching and tempering production line Product name: Crawler pin Product specifications: 190-228 (φ40-60mm) Induction power supply: 250KW /DSP/IGBT Transformer: customized ferrite Control system: PLC+temperature control+energy monitoring+MES system Cooling system: power supply cooling + quenching liquid cooling Production line: Conveyor line + feeding robot + quenching machine tool + blanking robot + mesh belt tempering furnace + blanking robot + eddy current flaw detection non-destructive testing Key technologies: High frequency induction heating machine hardening of outer cylindrical roller feeding, mesh belt tempering furnace connection production, highly integrated production line system, MES information communication, closed-loop monitoring of cooling flow, electronic fence safety protection, online non-destructive inspection of workpieces, automatic filtering of quenching liquid impurities. Pin sleeve quenching and tempering production line Product name: Crawler pin sleeve Product specifications: 190-228 (φ40-60mm) Induction power supply: 250KW /DSP/IGBT Transformer: Customized ferrite Control system: PLC+temperature control+energy monitoring+MES system Cooling system: power supply cooling + quenching liquid cooling Production line: Conveyor line + feeding robot + external quenching machine tool + transfer robot + inner hole quenching machine tool + transfer robot + mesh belt tempering...
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Chain track section tread quenching and tempering production line
Product name: Chain track section Product specifications: 190-228
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Automobile anti-collision bar quenching production line
Product name: Car anti-collision bar Product specifications: φ32×1300mm Induction power supply: 300+2×80+30KW /DSP/IGBT
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Slewing bearing whole tooth quenching
Product name: Slewing ring Product specifications: φ300-1600mm Induction power supply: 1500KW /DSP/IGBT
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