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News & Knowledge

What is Kotron’s Induction Heating System?


Components of an Induction Heating System

Key components: 100% kotron Technology

Induction Generator
(Power Source)

The generator transforms the mains current into another current with a frequency suitable for the treatment to be carried out.

Heating Station

The heating station matches the electrical characteristics of the inductor to those of the generator to maximize the efficiency.

All top Technologies: serial, parallel.

(Induction coils)

This crucial component transfers the energy to the part to be heated. The coil is specifically designed for each application.

Pure copper 3D Inductor. Based on customers’  various of Technical requirements.

Material to be Heated

This is the workpiece placed inside or near the induction coil to be heated.

Control System

It regulates the power delivered to the inductor, controlling the temperature (Thermometer needed), and monitoring the overall operation of the system.

Cooling System

A cooling system is essential to regulate the temperature of the electric circuit and the coil.

This is usually achieved through a water-cooling circuit.